This life

Thwala, Bhekani Emerald

Illustrator country: South Africa

Scenarist: Thwala, Bhekani Emerald

Scenarist country: South Africa

Language: English

Keywords: Love; poverty; slum


Participated to Africa e Mediterraneo Award 2005-2006

Thabo, a boy from a rich family meets Thandi, a beautiful and clever girl from a poor family. He courts her but she doesn’t want him to find out that she lives in the slums…

DETAILS add_circle_outline

Technique: Collage and ballpoint ink on paper

Black and White

Original drawings

Dimensions: 21 x 29,7 cm

Inventory: inv. 406 / coll. CX38.SA.THWALA.1

Number of sheets: 6

Notes: The comic is bound with spiral. The last pages are: the Africa e Mediterraneo Award completed participation form, a presentation letter from the Author to Africa e Mediterraneo, a photocopied portrait of the Author, and a printed file photo of the Author