Untitled (Cartoon)
Desfoussots, Marius (aka Marius Deffo-Soh)
Illustrator country: Cameroon
Scenarist: Desfoussots, Marius (aka Marius Deffo-Soh)
Scenarist country: Cameroon
Language: French
Keywords: corruption; education; poverty; school
Participated to Matite africane in Europa
What is wrong with education in Africa: lack of libraries, exams trade, low salaries for teachers…
DETAILS add_circle_outline
Technique: Pastel and ink on paper
Original drawings
Dimensions: 42 x 29,7 cm
Inventory: inv. 465 / coll. CX7.CAMEROON.DEFFO.1
Number of sheets: 1
Notes: The page on verso: Desfoussots