Les Sao
Moussa Abdou, Adji
Illustrator country: Chad
Scenarist: Moussa Abdou, Adji
Scenarist country: Chad
Language: French
Keywords: migration; power; village
Participated to Matite africane in Europa
The Sao – The Sao tribe comes from the Near East and settles in a new territory, where the local population receives them warmly, allowing them to take control of the whole region.
Black and White
Digital print
Dimensions: 21 x 29,7 cm
Inventory: inv. 967 / coll. PR1.CHAD.MOUSSA.3
Number of sheets: 3
Notes: The comic is an extract from Les Sao. Tome 1 / Adji Moussa. - Coopération Française; Réseau de Lecture Publique - The second page is numbered 20