Untitled (Cartoon)

Asgmedom, Musie (aka Mussie A.)

Illustrator country: Eritrea

Scenarist: Asgmedom, Musie (aka Mussie A.)

Scenarist country: Eritrea

Language: Tigrinya

Keywords: alcohol; children; draught; hunger; water


  • (Singing) I feel like dancing with you (It’s a song in Amarico, a language from Ethiopia).
  • Over the page: on the one side, the population dies of thirst because of the draught, and on the other side some people waste their money on alcohol.
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Black and White

Digital print

Dimensions: 21 x 29,7 cm

Inventory: inv. 936 / coll. PR2.ERITREA.MUSSIE.11

Number of sheets: 1

Notes: The page reports the Italian translation of inv. 643 / coll. CX16.ERITREA.MUSSIE.4 - The page on verso reports the Tigrinya explanation of the cartoon