BD AFRICA. Les Africains dessinent l’Afrique
Various Authors
Scenarist: Various Authors
Language: French
Keywords: Africa; anthology; death; life; men; war; women
Edited by: Ptiluc
Foreword by: Ptiluc
Edition: Albin Michel, Paris
Publisher country: France
Year: 2005
Phisical data: Multiples paginations, ill., color, 29 cm
ISBN: 2226158114605597
Inventory: inv. 1290 / coll. PUB.FRANCE.BDAFRICA.1
Notes: On the inside cover: the table of contents: LE FILS IMMORTEL, Laubé - Cameroun; DJ NANAN, Sonon - Benin; L'OEUF NOIR, Pat Masioni - Democratic Republic of the Congo; LA FEMME SERPENT, Al'Mata - Democratic Republic of the Congo; PETIT DIABLE, Pat Masioni - Democratic Republic of the Congo; LE COLLIER MAGIQUE, Pat Mombili - Democratic Republic of the Congo; DROLES DE RENCONTRES, Al'Mata - Democratic Republic of the Congo; LES SORTILEGES DE L'AMOUR, Pat Mombili - Democratic Republic of the Congo; L'EXPERT, Kash - Democratic Republic of the Congo; PAS DE QUARTIER, Jari - Madagascar; COMMERCE AVEC LES MORTS, Jean de Dieu - Madagascar; LE TIREUR DE POUSSE-POUSSE, Raddy - Madagascar; LE VIE D'UN PECHEUR, Norematoa - Madagascar; UNE POIGNEE DE CACAHOUETTES, Rado - Madagascar; ALIEN NATION, Daan - Afrique du Sud. - Dessin de couverture: Pat Masioni.