Untitled (Cartoon)
Habtom, Mehreteab Iabahagoy
Illustrator country: Eritrea
Scenarist: Habtom, Mehreteab Iabahagoy
Scenarist country: Eritrea
Language: None
Keywords: betrayal; sex; trust
Participated to Africa e Mediterraneo Award 2003-2004
Why do you get angry if I ask you to use a condom? You always ask me to have it, but I trust you.
Technique: Felt tip pen on paper
Black and White
Original drawings
Year: 2003
Dimensions: 35 x 50 cm
Exhibited where: Exhibited in Bruxelles, Centre Belge de la Bande Dessinée, June 3 – September 28, 2003
Inventory: inv. 639 / coll. CX16.ERITREA.HABTOM.9
Number of sheets: 1
Notes: The page on recto is signed Habtom M/AB, 2003, 3