Untitled (Cartoon)
Asgmedom, Musie (aka Mussie A.)
Illustrator country: Eritrea
Scenarist: Asgmedom, Musie (aka Mussie A.)
Scenarist country: Eritrea
Language: Tigrinya
Keywords: Eritrea; selfishness; trade; traditions
Participated to Africa e Mediterraneo Award 2003-2004
- A selfish shop keeper
- A shop keeper in the village
- over the page: Common people are poor, and shop keepers raise prices (in Eritrea, the cow is the symbol of shop keepers; sheep represent the people)
Technique: Felt tip pen on paper
Color / Black and White
Original drawings
Dimensions: 21 x 22,3 cm
Exhibited where: Exhibited in Bruxelles, Centre Belge de la Bande Dessinée, June 3 – September 28, 2003; Exhibited in New York, The Africa Comics Exhibition, Studio Museum in Harlem, November 15, 2006 – March 18, 2007
Inventory: inv. 642 / coll. CX16.ERITREA.MUSSIE.3
Number of sheets: 1
Notes: The page on verso: Musie ASsgmedom (Er), B 22, cm 21 x 22, A&M, and has the text in Tigrinya language - The cartoon has the Italian translation in inv. 937 / coll. PR2.ERITREA.MUSSIE.12